If you are a creative person, you can probably relate, but sometimes I have so many ideas of things I want to do, sessions I want to offer, ideas I want to implement, that I have no idea where to start. On one hand I think, "offer them all the options; not everyone wants the same thing." And then the other side of my brain says, "don't overwhelm your people; do just a few things at one time."
So my people, I need your help!! Is it helpful to have a variety of options of sessions or would you rather just have 1 extra session to choose from each month on top of the full sessions you can schedule anytime? If you're reading this and get to the end and will share your opinion in the comments, I'll email you a freebie!! That's how badly I need your direction as my client.
Here are the events I currently have open:
Super Hero Mini Sessions: February 13th
Kids with Cameras: February 18th
Monthly Maternity Sessions: March 24th
Easter Mini Session: March 24th
And here are the ideas I want to start/schedule:
•Session of the month membership club
•Photography course for moms
•A Year in the Life family package
•Mama, Play with Me sessions
•Sessions at the downtown library for Library Week
•Mommy+me sessions
•Contest for the 1st session in the new studio
•Lots of mini sessions in the summer and fall
•Discounted sessions for teenage moms
•Prom mini sessions
And then there are all of the sessions that I just want to try:
∞Romantic couples session at the lake
∞Bright and colorful sessions at a pool
∞Random sessions in ugly places
∞Newborn session with a great-grandparent
∞Home birth
∞Fruit bath with a sitting baby
∞Carnival sessions
∞Summer Tradition sessions (ice cream, watermelon, camping
∞An outdoor newborn session
Here's your chance to tell me what you want!!
A) lots of options all of the time or just a few to choose from?
B) which of the above is of interest to you?
C) scrap all of the mini sessions and just offer full sessions?
There are times when I plan an event (mini session usually) and then I get no sessions booked. I then don't know if it's a concept issue or a date issue.
You guys have always been helpful when I ask for help and here I go again! HELP!!!!
