Your senior year is a special one and one filled with bittersweet emotions. It becomes a year of further defining who you are and who you will become. It's holding on to friendships that you've had for 13 years and looking forward to new relationships in the future. It's being thankful to your parents for all they've done and the sacrifices they've made for you.
It's a year of lasts.
It's a year of tears.
It's a year of joy.
You will test the boundaries while clinging to the safety of home.
You'll realize you don't know everything.
Some days you'll be counting down the days until graduation. Other days you'll long for the simplicity of year's past.
Throughout it all, you should live each day with your arms opened wide, enjoying each step of the year.
As a mom or dad of a senior, you look at this young adult and still see her first ballet lesson, the first time she picked up a softball bat, the first time she dove off of the blocks (feeling a little weepy here...my daughter is a 2024 senior!) and remember all of the phases of her life as if it were yesterday. You've always heard the caution of "don't blink" but you did. You have experienced "the days are long but the years are short..."
You hope and pray that all that you've done is enough, yet you look at your child with all of the pride and love in the world, knowing that at the end of next school year, your life will change. It's now time to celebrate this milestone in her life and yours!
Senior pictures aren't just about a picture to put in the yearbook; senior pictures capture your child in the phase of life right before they enter the real world; a moment just like all of the others, that you won't ever get back. Let's celebrate the end of their childhood!
only.young.once is in the beginning stages of forming the 2026 Senior Model Team. If you love having your picture taken and are active in your school and community, I would love to have you apply!!
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